About Retirement Matters

Melanie Jacobs

Melanie is 64, a retired financial adviser, she has 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters.

The idea of Retirement Matters came to her after she realised that whilst the internet gave all the information possible, finding interesting and relevant content was another matter for people of a certain age.

Melanie Jacobs and Dave Buskell


Niki Buskell

Daughter of founder David Buskell

Niki took over Retirement Matters when David Buskell sadly passed away from Cancer, and continues to keep the website up to date and relevant to the over 50’s and make the site a success for her Dad. Niki also manages other sites and runs KM Web Design and Solutions, building and managing website for organisations and businesses.

The website was originally launched in the late 1990’s when we realised that there was nothing simple on the Internet for those retiring or of a ‘certain age’, i.e. the age before computers were even thought of.

Do you remember when Spam was something horrid for tea, surfing was a risqué activity and a virus meant the Dr didn’t know what was wrong, but at least you had a couple days off – well we did and found the (then) new age rather confusing!

We concentrated on our financial services businesses, retiring in 2011. Then with the time to devote to www.retirement-matters.co.uk realised that in the intervening years the website had become rather old-fashioned and cumbersome. So a redesign was commissioned and the newly up-to-date site relaunched in July 2013.

The original ethos remains – to aim to provide information of interest to all and we aim to attract contributors & advertisers who will see this exciting opportunity to join us re expanding our current excellent content. We are proud to have unique especially written features by the late talented Derek Jameson, really relevant and original articles by Dr David Delvin and entertainment pieces unique to this website, and much more.

We are fortunate to have secured the services of a travel partner, www.worldtravelplanner.co.uk and will be announcing special packages only available via this website, together with their sister company www.superiorcruises.co.uk – after all retirement is the time to travel and enjoy the world

This website aims to be different from others, so enjoy it and let us know anything you wish to see by emailing [email protected]

