Category - Interests

Having lots of interests keeps us mentally stimulated and happy. We look at all the different hobbies and activities we could be getting involved in

Derek Jameson

Snakes and ladders

They have all but done away with switchboard operators and now inflict upon us the delights of the voicebox, a remote control system guaranteed to...

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Derek Jameson

Love thy neighbour!

You cannot go backwards in life. We should have known, of course, but memory plays tricks on us all. Everything looks better from a distance.

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Derek Jameson


Oh dear, where are the young men of today going wrong? Looking at it from a grandfather's point of view, I'm wondering whether they've lost the plot.

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Derek Jameson

Laughter and tears

Laughter and tears seem to sum up what the British are all about. We're a grumpy lot, that's for sure, though at the same time we like a giggle.

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Derek Jameson

Eat Less

How to eat less and lose weight makes compulsive reading. We gaze in wonder at Then and Now pictures of smiling ladies who have lost seven stones

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Budgies as Pets

Most pet budgies live in indoor cages in the house, and you can keep a pair of the same or opposite sexes. However, if you keep a cock (male) and hen...

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Interactive Brokers
