Older generations feel they can help younger people deal with a huge range of issues including relationships (34% would like to share their secrets to a happy marriage) and saving money (64% have advice to offer on living within your means, 51% say they have tips for how to waste less food and 24% on how to make shoes and clothes last longer).
And with people aged 65-74 recognised as some of the happiest in the country (ONS data), it is hoped their advice will be in demand. The WRVS research shows almost two thirds (65%) of over 65s attribute their happiness to valuing the right things in life. Over half (56%) say it is because their generation hasn’t got into debt in the way people do today.
David McCullough, WRVS Chief Executive says:
“As a nation we are missing out on the wisdom and experience of our older generations because the distance between young and old is widening and society doesn’t take the time to listen to its older members. So often we treat older people as a problem to be tackled, rather than an amazing source of knowledge and inspiration”.
“A cultural shift is long overdue and we hope WRVS Nationwise will help trigger that by sparking debate about what older people have to offer us all. That’s why we’ve helped older people create this long term campaign.”
Cherry Thompson, 65 from Ramsgate, volunteers for WRVS and is author of one of many WRVS Nationwise tips on being out of work, written to help younger generations deal with tough times; she says:
“People of all ages are finding things tough at the moment, but my generation has seen it all before and we know a thing or two about getting through hard times. More often than not, we’re written off and talked about as a burden on society, but we have so much to offer younger people.
“WRVS Nationwise is all about sharing experience and helping everyone cope with life’s ups and downs. From advice on managing when you’re not in work, budgeting, and dealing with bereavement, to the secrets of a long-lasting relationship, and how to get a week’s meals out of just one chicken – we can help shed light on them all!
“Today is just the start. We want everyone to start sharing their top tips and pieces of advice for coping in tough times, no matter how old or young you are.”
Visit www.wrvs.org.uk/nationwise for downloadable sheets and short films including 76 year-old Mary’s tips on managing your money, 65 year-old Cherry’s advice on coping with being out of work, 73 year old Richard’s ideas for good food on a budget, and more.
The survey of 1,051 people aged 65 or over and 1,643 people under 65, was conducted by Opinion Matters between 21.2.12 – 6.3.12
The ONS data is taken from Measuring Subjective Wellbeing in the UK, Investigation of subjective well-being data from the ONS Opinions Survey: Released 1 December 2011
WRVS Nationwise is a web-based campaign launched 25.4.12. Visit www.wrvs.org.uk/nationwise for older people’s tips and wise words of advice on managing when you’re not in work, budgeting, dealing with bereavement, the secrets of a long-lasting relationship, and how to get a week’s meals out of just one chicken, explained in downloadable tips sheets and a range of short films
We are encouraging people to share their top tip or piece of advice for coping in tough times:
Ø Post your top tip online at www.wrvs.org.uk/nationwise
Ø Email your top tip to [email protected]
Ø Tweet your top tip using #Wisetips
Ø Or post it to:
CF23 8RP
WRVS Nationwise will continue to develop over coming months with further tips sheets and how-to films from older people
About WRVS
WRVS is Britain’s largest charity working with older people. Its 40,000 volunteers help people get more out of life, by helping them live independently at home and get involved in their communities
WRVS believes that older people are an enormous asset to our society and so it also works to promote their positive contribution in all walks of life
content credited to: WRVS April 2012
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